Crystal Gourd Feng Shui Sculpture, "Happiness Lies Ahead"
Design Concept: Heavily laid with traditional cultural motifs and Chinese aesthetics symbolizing good fortune, this piece is among its collection’s most classic interpretations of the beloved spring season. Its central hulu figure stands erect on a rich ancient gold Sycee—both symbolizing richness and fruitfulness. Flanking the sycee base are ruyi symbols representing the coming of good fortune. With daffodil flowers and floral embellishments sculpted throughout in masterful positive relief, this baroque-like Chinese artwork is deeply steeped in traditional symbolism and blessings. “Happiness Lies Ahead" makes for an excellent gift to family members or anniversaries, conveying ultimate good wishes. The Chinese word for gourd, hulu (葫芦), has other auspicious associations as well. In some dialects, the character hu (葫) has a similar pronunciation to fu (福) which means "happiness" or "good fortune". Therefore, saying hulu (葫 芦) for gourd would sound similar to fulu (福禄) which means "happiness and rank (as in attaining a high status.)". |