Crystal and Sterling Silver Iris "Messenger of Freedom" Pendant Necklace in Red
Design Concept: Crystal necklace design with iris flower. Lovingly depicted from ancient Greek mythology to classics by Vincent Van Gogh, the iris is interpreted by many to be a messenger of free-spirited love. The silver pendant is shaped like a butterfly, and the Iris is crafted in an organic and freely moving composition. It effortlessly wields light, expressing all that is good-natured and free-spirited in the flower. This is a heartwarming piece for friends or lovers. 概念設計說明: 琉璃項鍊,為鳶尾花的設計,象徵光明的自由。鳶尾花葉片碧綠青翠,花形大而奇,宛若翩翩彩蝶,花瓣形如鳶鳥尾巴,在希臘神話中是彩虹女神。此設計的金屬裝飾是一隻搖曳飛舞的蝴蝶,常言道"蝶映花更美,花映蝶更紅",兩者不能沒有了彼此,作品適合作為情人與朋友間的贈禮。 |
* Note: As the art pieces are individually hand-made, the color and dimensions will vary slightly. |