The Mouse-Its Star, Its Heart
My quick wits, My joyful days, My composure, My imagination, My understanding of human nature, My adaptability, With my lucky star shining bright, I lead the pack. But I can also be picky And cowardly. In spite of it all, There is nobody else like me.
A Star that shines as bright as you, the heart of the Mouse:
Amay Chang、Bae Yong Jun、Takuya Kimura、Du Fu、Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus、Tchaikovsky、Jude Law、Shakespeare、Gwynet
我的機靈 我的樂天 我的酷 我的想像力 我善解人意 我的適應力超強 我財星高照 我引領風潮 可是我愛挑剔 我膽小 然而 我就是我,不是嗎?
和你同樣的燦爛星星,屬鼠的心: 張惠妹、裴勇俊、木村拓哉、杜甫、莫扎特、柴可夫斯基、裘德洛、莎士比亞、葛溫妮絲派特羅、村上春樹