Amongst the twelve vows Medicine Buddha made while still a bodhisattva, the second begins, “I vow that in a future life, upon attaining enlightenment, my body will be like lapis lazuli, bright and limpid inside and out.” This vow has been Liuli artist Loretta H. Yang’s guiding inspiration in producing glass sculpture over several decades. Medicine Buddha is depicted with all the distinguishing characteristics of a buddha, including a benevolent countenance, a solemn demeanor, elongated earlobes, and the traditional monastic robe. Buddha embodies compassion and wisdom, and the Buddha sculpture is a reminder for all of us to love and to care.
Wishes for Sentient Beings
Because the body is as liuli, there is no room for the self or ego.
Because clarity emanates from inside out, there is only room for compassion and wisdom.
Blue, like a clear illuminated sky; blue, like a rare and precious stone.
From this lifetime to the next, wishes for sentience.
身如琉璃 所以無我無私
內外明徹 所以慈悲智慧
身藍如青天之遍照 身藍如寶石之珍稀
生生世世 願願有情眾生